13 Feb Students with Vision Impairment from Across East Texas Meet Up to Play Goalball at SFA
While it is an Olympic sport, not many people play in East Texas. Lannette Burlingame, a special education specialist at Region 7 Education Service Center said they only play twice a year, but they would like to host more.
“This is a way for them to expand upon what happens in the walls of the classroom,” Burlingame said. This is a way to get out into the community and be around other students and have learning opportunities that they might not have.”
Goalball is a game that consists of two teams of three. One team will throw the ball to make a goal, while the other tries to block it using their sense of hearing and their bodies. For the students who do play, it allows them to meet other students who have a visual impairment, building a community.
Wyatt Payne, a student player, said he really enjoys the sport and the opportunity to play.
“I think it’s pretty fun.,” Payne said. “I can’t really see any other sports like dodgeball or soccer because of my visual impairment. Goalball seems easier since I don’t need my vision, I can use my hearing.”
If you want to learn more or know someone who might be interested in joining their next game, you can contact the East Texas Lighthouse for the Blind at 888-565-3852 or call Lanette Burlingame at the Region 7 ESC at 903-988-6765.
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